Web Traffic in 30 Days...

Lots and Lots of it...!

Are you struggling to
get enough traffic to a business website to make sales?
Do you have an informational site with critical info that people need to know?
Then listen up, because I'm about to show you...

"A Thirty Day Plan to Firmly Establish any Site
on the Net, Send your Traffic Numbers Through
the Roof, and Multiply Your Sales and/or Sign-ups."

Dear Friend, 

If you're like me (and I suspect you are), your spam folder or inbox got bombarded today with more than a handful of emails pitching the latest scheme to make money on the web, and tomorrow it'll be filled to overflowing yet again with even more schemes.  It happens EVERY DAY!

You might have even responded to one or two (or more?) along the way, hoping for something that could put you on the road to success finally, or at least something to supplement your income.

But either nothing worked, or it just didn't mesh for you...

Well, if you'll bear with me, I'd like to show you something. It's not for everyone, but if you have a product, service, or piece of information that you would like to get out into the marketplace, and you're willing to put in the time, I can show you how to generate the traffic you want. And if sales is your goal, I can show you how to generate the traffic volume you need to support the sales level you desire.

Tim Benedict, author of mutliple books on internet marketing...Hi, my name is Tim Benedict.

You may not know me, but I've done a lot of things, and worn lots of hats over the years. I've been a teacher, a construction worker, mechanic, computer tech, janitor, and lots more.

But what's really important to you is that for the last several years, I've been focused, in my spare time, on building an income by selling and marketing things on the internet, working out of my home office.

That way I have both the time and money to focus on building my true dreams, and leaving a true and honest legacy behind.

Maybe that's what you aspire to do too.  It sure beats commuting to a dead end job every day, and building someone else's dream or lining someone else's pockets.

Been There, Done That, Got the T-Shirt

Whatever strategies you've already tried to earn a living on the internet...
odds are, I've either tried it or done it. 

But here's the thing. All web sites, in order to be successful, whether they are selling something or not, have to have visitors. It's basic math. Out of every certain number of visitors, you can count on a certain percentage of hits, bites, sales, sign-ups, etc. This percentage, which varies for every site, stays pretty consistent over time. From there, it's simply a numbers game of getting enough traffic to support the sales you need, or the responses you would like to see.

So that's where I have focused my efforts recently, generating traffic.

How would you generate traffic?

Note -

It's simple math.

If you need to make 20 sales a week of a $10 product, in order to make $800 a month to cover your rent (for instance), you need to set a goal of 80 sales per month, or just under 3 sales a day.

Now if you already know that out of every 200 visitors to your site you make one sale or sign-up (also known as a .05% conversion rate), you know that you need to shoot for attracting 600 visitors a day to your site.

It's simple math.

What kind of system can generate lots of traffic?

But how do you generate that kind of traffic? Even just a goal of just 50 visitors a day is overwhelming to most people starting out. And I understand. I've been there. 50 visitors a day was like pie in the sky, let alone 600, unreachable, magic, and not something I knew how to even think about doing.

So I ended up doing the shotgun thing for a long time, trying lots of ideas, trying to push my traffic numbers up. It wasn't working very well, though I saw some slow success over time. Even shotgunning, sooner or later you hit something, somewhere along the line. But it wasn't consistent, and certainly wasn't anywhere near the steady 600 hits a day mark that I was hoping for.

What IS important to tell you is that I decided to quit trying to cobble together different strategies every time I wanted to set up a new website, or start selling a new product. 

Face it. Even just the terms for the different marketing strategies out there are greek to most people, and was me too starting out. I spent a lot of time simply learning terms and trying to absorb strategies.

It's just not as easy as I thought or hoped that it would be.

You Need a SYSTEM to Coordinate All the Strategies
... and Make Them Work Together!

30 Days to a High Traffic WebsiteIt's true that there are a lot of "marketing systems" already out there.

I even use one or two pretty consistently.

But sooner or later, you inevitably end up shelling out lots of cash, or you get lured into trying each new system that comes along, hoping that maybe this one, or this one, or this next one, will finally hit the traffic numbers you need.

But most people just aren't ready to spend that kind of money, or invest that kind of time.

Now granted, hard work invested in a proven strategy will always produce a return.

What I needed was a system that would continue to produce visitors, traffic, and sales, long after I invested my initial work in it.

Key word- invested. I move on after I finish...

And I just wasn't finding a cohesive system that met my needs.

I needed a system that would:

  Eventually be automate-able to run on its own 
  Would not only get me traffic immediately, but also build long term traffic as well
Be within my price budget (cheap)
Be something I could do from home over the net
Be something I could pass along and also teach other people to do.

So I started first by making and developing a list of well over 100 ways to market a site and generate traffic, then putting it into book form for other people to read too. That was step one. I now sell that book at http://www.101WebTrafficGenerators.com.

It's a solid book, and just what some people need, but it's only the first half of the story.

The second step in my own personal marketing plan was to develop a 30 day schedule that I could follow, something well thought out and that built on itself, a checklist of daily things that I needed to do, where I wouldn't get lost. So I wrote Traffic in 30 Days, my own replicable marketing system that can be used by anyone, over and over again. 

But I didn't stop there. I also included a basic primer in the front of the book for people to read to get acquainted with some of the basic ideas behind good internet marketing. Between the primer, and the 30-day plan (that includes all the 'rubber-meets-the-road' type information you need to understand and get started marketing), this ebook came out to almost 200 pages. It wasn't just a report anymore, but a true book that could even be printed out and bound (and I have done so with it for a few select people).

Ready to start generating traffic?
Now YOU Can Use This Same System

Whether you're just wanting to spread information, or to make direct sales to people,
generating traffic, and lots of it, is the key...
The key to a successful site is lots of visitors and traffic.

There's no limit to how many websites you can use the system on either. I'm either using, or have used, this system on over 30 domains so far, and I've got the results to prove that the system works, and works wells.

Now granted, some websites will do better with some of the strategies covered, than with some of the others, but that's the beauty of this system. You focus on building traffic every day, each day either learning a new strategy, or developing a previously introduced one. Out of the roughly 30 strategies covered, even if a couple of strategies don't work for you and your site, you still have a bunch that most surely will.

I'm not going to kid you though. This system will take work on your part, up to eight hours a day if you stay on schedule. I wrote the system, both for myself and for an unemployed friend, both of whom had eight hours a day to devote to this "job". I knew that if we each devoted a full-time work month to this project, our website sales off the traffic we generated would more than supply what we would otherwise make working full-time for someone else. It would take work, but we were serious about it.

But what if you only wanted to do this for a couple hours a day? What if you could only spare one hour in the evenings, a couple times a week? No problem! Just use the built in check list to keep track of where you are, and then just work at your own best pace. You WILL generate traffic; it might just take a little longer to get there. But like they say, inch by inch, life's a cinch. Mile by mile, takes awhile. Just start in, and keep on it. It'll happen, it just will.

And just by way of forewarning, I did NOT go into serious detail about traffic generating methods that require you to use and/or manage an affiliate network system. This is a basic, entry level, as cheap as possible, training and usage program to take you from the smallest baby steps in marketing, through to more advanced ideas and systems, without making you spend lots of money along the way, or get too deeply into affiliate networks, banner swapping, revenue sharing, pay-per-clicking, or anything other than straight-forward, get-your-name-out-there advertising and some basic Search Engine Optimization tactics.

Some of the things we talk about in the book....

  Strategies for quick, short-term traffic...

  Strategies for progressive, long-term traffic that doesn't need babysitting...

  Strategies for making people WANT to keep coming BACK to your site...

  Daily checklists to help manage your time...

  Strategies for getting other people to pay YOU to advertise through YOU...

  Strategies to get people TALKING about your site...


 "Your books are some of the best on the market. You actually go into detail, and explain things..." 



"Tim walks you through the basics of identifying your target market, designing your website, and optimizing your site for internet search engines. A well thought-out approach..."
-Matt Manos

 "This ebook brought logical structure to my marketing efforts"...


“30 Days to a High Traffic Website by T. Russel Benedict is perhaps the best guide on web marketing I have ever read. Accurate, well-researched and highly relevant, this book is an expertly written synopsis of best web marketing practices. As a graphic designer, I am always striving to improve results for my clients. This book will be at the top of my reference list from here on. I recommend it to anyone who is serious about improving their web status.”
-Timothy Slusser (tImOthY dEsIgnS – www.timothydesigns.info)

 "Wow, GREAT book bro. You explained the process VERY well. I’m going to have to take some more time and really dig into it further. LOTS of great info in there..."


Will YOUR name show up here sometime soon? We want to hear from you if this book has helped YOU be more successful with your own website too!


    This Should be a "No-Brainer"!

... because the "Traffic in 30 Days" material lays it out in a way you can easily follow and understand.

Remember - it doesn't matter if it's a website that is intended to make money or not. If it's traffic you want, then this is the book for you... Whether you are marketing to a huge niche or not, this is the book for you. Even if it's just a seasonal site, this is still the book for you!

The last thing you need is to download another eBook onto your hard drive to gather dust, that you only use once, so this material was designed right out of the gate to be useable over and over again, and even customizeable. We want you to be able to use it, over and over again!

And for a limited time (since this IS an introductory offer)...

You can get "Traffic in 30 Days" for ridiculously low price of only $19.00. (This is far less than what you would expect to pay for a college lab textbook that covered the same material).

I can't help you decide WHAT to promote, but once you have a product, or info, or service or ???? - this book CAN make it easy for you to launch a new traffic campaign, tailor designed to bring you the traffic you need to make your site successful.

PLUS - I'll Sweeten The Deal

FREE Bonus Offer!

A Report: 'The Fastest Way to Ebay  Powerseller status'...

Thousands of people make a good living on ebay every day. And it's the Power Sellers that sell the most, make the most, and enjoy the best reputations and highest responses.

So how would you like PowerSeller status fast? It's like adding gasoline to a fire. It takes off!

This short little report (Fastest Way to Reach Ebay PowerSeller Status) details the fastest way I know of to attain that status fast. I had no idea how powerful this information was, and I've been an Ebay seller for years, and I had completely overlooked this option. I was amazed, to say the least. If I had had this information 10 years ago, I cringe to think of how much higher my income might be today.

And I'm going to give it to you for free as part of this offer when you buy, as an extension of one of the traffic generation methods I outline in the book.

  Value: $7 minimum
Your cost? FREE...

What's the Catch, Tim?

There isn't one...

I know $19.00 is ridiculously cheap in the internet marketing world for a proven, systematic marketing plan with all the power of this one. 

Of course, this price won't last too long.

And to Make This Even Easier...

We guarantee your satisfaction and results with the 'Traffic in 30 Days' book!

I'll give your money back if you can show me, in 30 days, that you followed the plan and didn't see even the slightest increase in traffic. In other words, you take absolutely NO risk.  If you aren't satisfied with "Traffic in 30 Days" because it didn't work for you - ask for a refund, and it'll be granted.  This has always been my policy.  If we part ways and you're still happy, maybe we'll do business again in the future.

Warning - This Might NOT be Available
at This Price!

This $19.00 price is an introductory offer only.....

Don't Miss Out!

Market demand dictates the price I set - not some arbitrary decision made in a strategy session.  Leave this page and come back tomorrow and it might cost you more.  This price is guaranteed ONLY FOR TODAY!!!.

If you don't take action NOW, you will miss out on this offer.

Here's All You Do

Click the "Buy Now" button below.  There may be a very brief delay while we forward the transaction details, but you will be taken to Paypal's secure site where you can use your Paypal account (if you have one) or you can pay by credit card.

Once you have made your payment, click on the "Return to Merchant" button on the Paypal site.  You will be returned to a page on our site where you will be given the option to buy the "115+ Web Traffic Generators" book at a deep discount, and a download link to download both your copy of the "Traffic in 30 Days" ebook and the free bonus. 

Get "Traffic in 30 Days" for only
  $47  $27

Pssst...I need people to give me some honest feedback on this ebook, simply because it's so new. Thus, if you're one of the first 50 buyers, you can have this ebook for

Buy your copy of "Traffic in 30 Days" Now!

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Made Through PayPal

Ok, so maybe you think $19 is too much.... Let's think about this for a minute...

  It's less than you would pay to take your significant other out to eat ONE TIME at a reasonably nice place... (But you can only eat that meal once... )

  It's less than you would pay for ANY comparable college level Internet Marketing Workbook...

  It's less than, or comparable to, any book of this size and quality, at your corner or mall bookstore...

  It comes with built in direct email access to support (What bookstore author is willing to do that for you? If I don't have the time to answer any reasonable question that you might have after you buy my book, I will point you somewhere where you CAN get help).

  It costs less than comparable marketing manuals on the net. In fact, I'm not aware of a single other ebook quite like this one, or this cheaply priced...

  How much is YOUR time worth? So $19 at minimum wage, is what, between two and three hours worth? Do you honestly think that you will save $19 by trying to reinvent the wheel yourself? Just how many hours do you think it would take you to develop your own 30 day marketing plan? Sooner or later, every good marketer lays out a plan for themselves to follow... When will you have the time to develop yours?

Do yourself a favor and use some common sense. Give yourself a boost and spend the $19 now, before you spend ten times that in your own time, re-inventing this wheel later.

Pass on this opportunity, and you'll still be trying to market your site, long after everyone else has reached their goals and left you behind...

Go ahead and order right now.  I genuinely think you'll be happy that you did.


Tim Benedict

Get "Traffic in 30 Days" for only
  $47  $27

Buy your copy of "Traffic in 30 Days" Now!

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Made Through PayPal

P.S. Remember.  You'll have direct email access to me for any private customer support needs or questions that you might have that arise from reading and/or implementing this material.

P.P.S. Don't forget.  This is price is guaranteed for today only.  Once I see what price the market will support, I will probably raise it.  I'll keep it here at least until midnight tonight (EST), but I make no promise about what it will cost you tomorrow, next week, or next month.  If you pass on this now - you might not be able to buy this ebook at this price when you come back to this site later on.


Support: support@timbenedict.net

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